Desi Dobreva and “There Is No Such Show!“

Desi Dobreva and “There Is No Such Show!“

The legendary Neshka Robeva will delight her fans with a new unconventional spectacle. It is called There Is No Such Show and the dancers from National Art and the contestants of the Levski Rhythmic Gymnastics Club star in it. The spectacle will be performed in several cities in Bulgaria. All the dancers and groups are united around a cause – to help the most celebrated Levski Rhythmic Gymnastics Club.
Together with Lili Ivanova and Vasko Vasilev, Desi Dobreva will also support this charity cause.

If you want to laugh, to enjoy the youth, the talent and the beauty of the wonderful Bulgarian children, you are most welcome.
And you will be able to see for yourselves that there is no such show!

The money raised from the sale of tickets for the spectacle “There Is No Such Show!”  will be donated to the Levski Rhythmic Gymnastics Club.

Detailed information about the concert can be found here:


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